Recovery from Buccal Fat Removal

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Coming round you’ll probably feel a bit dazed and for the first few days and you might not remember much. This is completely normal and is just one of the side-effects that the anaesthetic and prescribed medications can have.

Following buccal fat removal it’s important that you keep your head elevated, even when you’re asleep, for one or two weeks, so you’ll need to sleep on at least two pillows.

Your face will be relatively swollen for the first 3 days, and will probably be bruised too. This is a normal result of any surgery and will begin to go down slowly after the first few days following the procedure. As the swelling subsides over the few months following the procedure you’ll begin to see a more sculpted, thinner looking, facial structure.

Pain and Infection

Although any serious pain should be prevented by the pain-killers given to you by the surgery, you will experience some discomfort for a few weeks. If, however, this discomfort turns into excessive pain, or you experience redness or pus, you should contact your surgeon immediately. You’ll also have a restricted diet and will have to be very careful about what you eat to avoid the possibility of bacterial infection. For example, you’ll need to make sure that all fruit and vegetables you consume have been washed well. You also won’t be able to eat raw fish or rare meat as these both contain lots of bacteria. You may also be advised to rinse your mouth out with Listerine several times a day and to rinse your mouth out with water after eating. Not following these guidelines will vastly increase your chances of infecting the oral incisions. Taking your temperature regularly can help you monitor the possibility of infection as a heightened temperature can indicate this.

As with all wounds, keep away from your oral incisions. It’s tempting, but if you can refrain from any kind of prodding or picking of your sutures, and in general just try to keep your tongue away from the incisions, you’ll heal much better. Also make sure you take your antibiotics as advised and on time.


You’ll find that you’re somewhat prohibited for the first 3 weeks following this surgery as, really, during this period you need to take it as easy as possible, and at the very least avoid heavy lifting and exercise. The reason you are told to do this is that these acts raise your blood pressure which dilates the blood vessels, allowing an increased blood flow. This can cause problems with the site of the wound and can even lead to internal bleeding. For the first 6-8 weeks you’ll also have to avoid contact sport and rigorous activity.

Other Side-Effects

Other things you might notice post-surgery include a change to your smile, an odd hollow sensation, tingling, random sharp pains, or pulling, burning or cold sensations. Normally these side-effects diminish after a few weeks.

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