Mini-dental Implants Procedure

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Mini-dental implants are a dental innovation that can benefit people with prosthetic teeth who are not suited to the standard dental implant. Implants stabilise prosthetics to improve how they feel and work, and in doing so they also improve the longevity of those artificial teeth and promote improvements in the quality and health of the jawbone.

One of the attractions of mini-dental implants is the simplicity of the procedure involved, and the fact that people who would otherwise be advised against implants can make use of these where necessary, which can also be attributed partly to a straightforward procedure. In this article we look at what exactly is involved in placing mini-dental implants in a patient’s mouth.

Like their larger counterparts, mini-dental implants rely on an insertion into the jawbone to achieve their effects. As such, any procedure involving these implants will require access to the jawbone, and then the drilling of sockets into which the implants in question can then slot.

Mini-dental implants can stabilise prosthetics for wonderful results because of the fact that they fuse with the jawbone, and thereby confer its stability and strength to any artificial teeth used.

Unlike larger dental implants however, the procedure involving mini-dental implants is much less invasive and much more straightforward. This means that groups of patients with medical conditions that would make them unsuited to the more invasive implant surgeries can make use of mini-dental implants.

The mini-dental implant insertion procedure is described as flapless, which means that the dentist or oral surgeon involved doesn’t need to cut into the gum to create a ‘flap’ through which the jawbone is accessed. This is essential to the process by which standard implants are fitted.

Instead a small dental drill is used through the gum to prepare a socket for the insertion of the mini-dental implant. This is made possible by the smaller size of the implant, and because the procedure is flapless it can be performed under local anaesthesia which just numbs the area being treated.

Despite being flapless, this procedure still allows for the effective insertion of the implant into a socket in the jawbone. The implant will be fully immersed into the bone for effective fusion, and only the head of the implant will be accessible for fixing to the prosthetics to be used.

The procedure also offers the advantage of allowing for the instant fitting of a temporary set of dentures. Traditional implants require a length healing period after the surgery before any temporary fittings can be applied.

All in all the procedure by which mini-dental implants are applied to the mouth is much simpler and straightforward than that which is used by the procedure by which standard dental implants are fitted. This is largely due to the smaller size of the mini-implants, and is one of the many attractions this particular dental technology has to offer.

« How do Mini-dental Implants Work? Fitting of Mini-Dental Implants »

Guide to Mini Dental Implants

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