How do Mini-Dental Implants Stabilise Teeth?

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Implants are designed to act as titanium replicas of the roots that underlie our natural teeth. One of the major impediments to artificial teeth like dentures and dental bridges has been that they lack the stability and longevity of natural teeth, and this has always been at least partly due to the lack of root like structures which lend natural teeth so much strength and stability.

The purpose of an underlying root is to provide anchorage for teeth by linking them to the much larger and more robust structure that is the jawbone. The jawbone is far more able to withstand the myriad of forces we are exposed to when we chew and bite, and by linking teeth to this bone their functionality and durability are vastly improved. What dental implants aim to do is replicate this by emulating the linkage of a normal root, and mini-dental implants can achieve this despite their smaller size.

How are artificial teeth stabilised through mini-dental implants?

As mentioned briefly in the previous section, the main method by which mini-dental implants stabilise artificial teeth is by mimicking roots and distributing the forces experienced by dentures and the like throughout the jawbone. The stability this confers is remarkable and evident in the huge benefits implants offer their users. But how is this achieved?

In order for mini-implants to effectively mimic their biological counterparts, they need to be inserted into drilled sockets in the jawbone and left to fuse with said bone. This is an amazing process known as osseointegration, by which the surface of each implant fuses with the bone around it to form a solid, reliable, and durable structure. While not yet fully understood, osseointegration is essential to the success of both mini- and standard dental implants.

Mini-implants in particular offer their advantages to people who might not be able to make use of standard implants. The larger size of the latter means that they naturally require larger sockets in the jawbone, and for many people suffering from tooth loss the pre-requisite amount of jawbone isn’t available for the procedure. Mini-implants require less bone thanks to their size, and are therefore more widely accessible to populations with diminished jawbones.

The stabilising effect of mini-dental implants is remarkable and has changed lives across the world by making artificial teeth feel far more like their missing biological counterparts. As dental technologies continue to improve, there is little doubt that these implants will continue to bring the dental prosthetic experience closer to the feel and function of natural teeth.

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