Safety of Osseointegration of Mini-Dental Implants

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Dentures are extremely useful replacements for missing teeth, however because they lack the support available to our natural teeth, they can sometimes face obstacles. Many dentures can restrict the diet available to a person using them as they can’t withstand chewing and biting tougher foods. These dentures can also rub against the gums to cause discomfort as they lack a firm fixture.

Mini-dental implants are an off-shoot of dental implant technologies which aim to provide users with a basis for the stability that dentures need to function more like our natural teeth. Each implant is engineered to mimic the roots that lie beneath our natural teeth, and in doing so, provide the same level of stability that gives our biological teeth with the ability to withstand decades of regular use. Vital to this function of mini-dental implants is a process by which each titanium fitting fuses to the jawbone, and in this article we look at the safety of this particular mechanism.

The necessity and safety of osseointegration

Osseointegration is the term used to describe the fusion of an external object like an implant to the bones of the body. It is a remarkable biological phenomenon which has yet to be fully understood, but is widely exploited in medical and dental care to replace missing joints, bones, and teeth. Through osseointegration an implant can become so closely integrated into a bone that it is essentially a part of the overall structure benefitting from the strength and stability of a large and dense material.

Where mini-dental implants are concerned, the fusion of the implant with the surrounding bone lends vital strength and stability to the overall structure, and allows for the benefits offered by the implants where the comfort and usability of dentures are concerned.

A question many people will ask about osseointegration is whether or not it is safe, a valid concern considering the fact that after the process is complete a mini-implant will have become so thoroughly integrated into the bone that the boundary between the two will be virtually indistinguishable. Fortunately osseointegration actually makes the process of fitting a mini-implant, and its subsequent workings, much safer. Instability is unsafe as it poses a risk of injury or damage to the jaw, gums, or dentures being used, and by stabilising artificial teeth and forming a lasting bond with the jawbone, implants form an extremely sound base to which artificial teeth can be attached.

Failed osseointegration can carry dangers with it, and in some cases implant procedures can fail where an implant fails to integrate with the jaw. In many instances, this is accompanied by a slow retraction of the surrounding jawbone, and in these instances it is the lack of integration which poses a safety risk. A number of different factors can contribute to the failure of an implant procedure, including poor oral care and hygiene and habits like smoking.

To improve the chances of a successful integration and procedure overall your dentist will give you careful instructions on how to maintain the heath of your mouth and the site of surgery following the treatment. For the safest and healthiest procedure possible, you should follow these instructions to the letter and make sure you attend regular follow up appointments scheduled by your dentist to ensure that everything is healing as it should.

« Fusing of Mini-Dental Implants into the Jawbone Mini-dental Implants Integratin with the Jawbone »

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