Dianette and Other Medications

You must always tell your doctor if you are using any medication whilst you are using Dianette as the pill can affect certain medications and vice versa. A number of medications can actually decrease the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill so letting your doctor know that you are using other medication allows them to check that there will not be any adverse interactions between your medication and Dianette. Dianette is used to treat skin conditions but it has the added effect of preventing pregnancy so you must not use another hormonal method of contraceptive.

The pill will not work correctly if you are using antibiotics. Usually the antibiotics classed as oral tetracyclines render the pill ineffective but other antibiotics can do the same. It is important to note that once you start taking antibiotics, you will not be protected from pregnancy so if you need to take the antibiotics in the long run, it is best to use another method of contraception. If you are only taking the antibiotics for a short period, use extra contraception for that time. The pill will also not work if you take any HIV medication, barbiturates, griseofulvin or St Johns wort.

The pill can also interfere with other medications that you take so you may need to have the dose changed of the other medication. Your doctor will advise you on the best course of action if this is the case. Also, if you have to have any blood tests, it is important to mention that you are using Dianette as it may change the results of some of the tests.

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