How Does Micronor Prevent Pregnancy?

In most contraceptive pills, there are three main ways that the pill prevents pregnancy. In the case of Micronor, the progestogen only pill has all three mechanisms but one may not work in all women.

The pill thickens the mucous fluid inside the vagina. This fluid lines the neck of the womb and is a natural substance, which helps to keep the area healthy. The sperm need to traverse the entire womb to reach the fallopian tube where an egg is waiting to be fertilised. This is quite a task in itself and many sperm do not complete the journey. By thickening the mucous, the pill creates a viscous barrier that is in the way of the sperm and it is much harder for the sperm to swim through it. Therefore, the chance of a sperm meeting an egg is greatly reduced.

When an egg becomes fertilised, it must implant into the uterus lining in order to grow into a foetus. For this to happen, the uterus wall must be thick enough for the egg to grab hold. The pill thins the uterus lining out so that the egg has a harder time in attaching to the wall and it is unlikely that it will be successful.

Those two mechanisms are effective ways of preventing pregnancy. There is a third mechanism that ensures that pregnancy does not occur. Usually, the ovaries release and egg during ovulation but the levels of progestogen in the pill trick your body into thinking that it has already ovulated so it will not release an egg. If there is no egg to fertilise, you will not fall pregnant. However, when using the progestogen only pill, this process may not occur in all women.

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