Who can take Cilest?

There are a number of women who are not allowed to take Cilest, due to the fact that they have a medical problem that would be aggravated by the pill, or have factors that could increase the risk of some diseases so taking the pill would be too much of a risk to their health. When you go to see the doctor to get the pill, it is important that you mention your medical history to make sure that you are suitable to take the pill.

Who is unsuitable?

There are a number of conditions that may make you unsuitable for Cilest. It is for your own good that you will not be allowed to take this form of contraception if you have any of the following conditions due to the fact that your health will be at risk.

You should not take the pill if you have heart problems, such as heart failure or disease, have circulatory problems, especially if you have ever experienced blood clots or if you have high blood pressure. If you have had breast cancer, liver cancer, severe liver disease, severe migraines, systemic lupus erthematosus or diabetes you will not be suitable for Cilest. Also, if you react badly to any of the ingredients contained within Cilest, you are not suitable for this form of contraception.

Using Cilest with caution

Cilest may make a number of conditions worse so you may not be suitable to use the contraception. Sometimes you can use the pill but you are monitored very closely to make sure that the pill is not aggravating any other medical conditions you may have and if you notice an increase in side effects or symptoms related to your condition, you must inform the doctor immediately.

You can take Cilest with caution if you have diabetes without complications, gall bladder problems, chloasma, high levels of fat in your family history, high blood pressure, Crohns disease or poryphryia. Also, you will need to be monitored closely if you have ever been pregnant and had problems such as jaundice, rashes, headaches, hemolytic uremic syndrome or uncontrollable jerking movements.

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