Ear Correction (Otoplasty/Pinnaplasty) Recovery

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The recovery from ear correction surgery takes up to six weeks, but your surgeon will try to make your recovery time as short as possible.  In this time your ears are likely to heal totally and the full effects of the surgery will be seen.

After the Ear Operation

Straight after your operation you will have to find someone to help you to get home.  You will be unable to drive for a few days after surgery and might require some help as you recover.  You will have to wear a large head-bandage for at least a week after the surgery, and sometimes you might be advised to wear it at night for a further duration of time depending on the intensity of the operation.  This will help to stop infection and help to stabilize your ears position.  Of course, wearing a band around your ears might be quite restricting but it is important that for this initial period you keep the bandage on and dry.  You can take normal over the counter pain relief during your recovery, although do check with your surgeon if this doesn’t help with any pain.

After the First Week

The stitches that will be used are likely to be dissolvable, and as such will not need to be removed.  These stitches are designed to dissolve into the bloodstream when the wound is completely healed.  Your surgeon will want to see you about a week after your surgery to make sure everything is healing well.  This is usually only a quick visit to check that you are alright, but by having this post surgery consultation you ensure that your surgeon can check for any problems that might arise.  It is up to you how long you will need to take off work after ear correction surgery.  Obviously if your job is strenuous or involves a lot of exercise then you might want to take more time off than if you work in an office.  Generally speaking you will have to take a week off work, and wait up to eight weeks before you can take part in any strenuous exercise.

The Next Few Months

The complete recovery from ear correction surgery/ear pinning, might take anything up to two months.  In this time you will stop wearing ear supports at night, and be able to take up all previous activities even if these include strenuous exercise.  Any swelling will go, and your incisions will heal leaving small scars where they once were.  Any problems that you experience throughout this time period ought to be brought to your surgeons’ attention. 

Your surgeon will give you advise on how to make a full, and speedy, recovery from ear correction surgery.  It is very important that you follow this advise and contact them if you are having any problems or have any queries about your recovery. 

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