Breast Reduction on NHS

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To qualify for any surgery on the NHS you need to meet specific requirements, this is at all times to ensure your suitability both medically and mentally for surgery. You must ensure that you are undergoing a breast reduction operation due to your own personal reasons, and that these reasons will prove that the surgery will be beneficial to your lifestyle. First off you must ensure that you visit your GP and they also consider you a suitable candidate for a breast reduction.

What makes me a suitable candidate to have surgery on the NHS?

First off you should visit your GP, they will then refer you on to a consultation with a clinic which performs breast reduction surgery. For your GP to refer you on to a specialist, you may have a number of reasons behind wanting surgery these can be:

  • You suffer from sufficient amounts of back/neck/shoulder pain.
  • You have developed a skin condition due to excess sweat build up within the breast crease.
  • You are unable to participate in particular sports which are causing you health issues.
  • You feel that your mental health is affected by the unwanted attention you receive, for example you have low self esteem and it is affecting your lifestyle.
  • You feel that the problems your large breasts cause result in depression.

What will happen once my GP refers me on?

Once your GP deems you suitable for surgery, they will refer you onto an NHS clinic which deals with this type of surgery. You will then be susceptible for further analysis and assessment as to whether you are a suitable candidate for breast reduction surgery. You will be referred at first to a plastic surgeon, who will discuss the procedure with you in depth and you will be able to ask any questions you feel you feel relevant. Once you have visited a surgeon, you may either be accepted straight away, there is however a possibility that you may need further assessment from a psychiatrist or psychologist, these checks are to ensure that you are undergoing surgery for the correct reasons, the assessments are in place to ensure your personal and metal safety at all times.

How does the funding work?

Once you are accepted for the surgery, you will begin the process for surgery which usually entails numerous checkups and medical tests, along with consultations with nurses, surgeons and other medical specialists. Funding for the NHS is often shared out on a yearly basis, and you may find that you need to wait a while before your surgery can take place, this varies from region to region and your clinic will be more precise with you on how long the wait will be. Your case will finally be considered by the Primary Care Trust, who deal with most surgical cases, they will assess all aspects of your application and finally decide whether or not to fund your breast reduction surgery.

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