Elite MPX. Nd: YAG, Alaxandrite

The Elite MPX laser system from Cynosure UK utilises Ng: Yag and Alexandrite lasers, allowing for high levels of control over the laser, making hair removal easier and more comfortable.  The Elite system can be used all over the body, with the adjustable laser lengths allowing gentle treatments for the face, and a more intense approach for other areas.

The Elite MPX system incorporates a cooling system, the Zimmer SmartCool, designed to make the laser treatment as comfortable for the client as possible.  This allows better healing of the treated skin, as well as often a completely pain-free treatment. 

Other treatments available through the Elite MPX

Due to the large range of laser wavelengths available when using the Elite MPX system, other treatments are also possible on top of hair removal.  These include:

  • Red vein reduction
  • Smoothing pigment discrepancies, including roseacea
  • Laser facials
  • Skin rejuvenation

Alike to the hair removal, these treatments are performed with the patients comfort as a priority. 

« Ellipse Multiflex – IPL, Nd: YAG Coolglide from Cutera.  1064 nm, Nd: Yag »