Hair Loss Treatment

There are two methods of hair loss treatment: surgical and non-surgical.  Dozens of surgical methods have been developed to counteract hair loss within the last fifty years and the market is so often flooded with new ‘miracle’ cures or cosmetic surgeries that it can be difficult to know what options are available to you and which one is right for your individual needs.

Micrografting & Follicular Unit Extraction

Medical techniques are constantly evolving and, although there have been many surgical systems to combat balding, there are only two procedures commonly in practice today: micrografting and Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE. Both of these techniques are hair transplantation surgeries in which hair from the side or back of the scalp is removed and transplanted into the bald areas on your head. While larger patches of hair commonly referred to as ‘plugs’ or even individual hairs have been transplanted in the past, both of the above mentioned techniques employ the use of follicular unit transplantation and the difference in the surgeries is actually in the donor follicles ‘harvesting’ method, not in the amount of hair transplanted.

Minoxidil, Finasteride & Hair Systems

For many people, the idea of cosmetic surgery may seem too extreme while others may not be suitable candidates for a hair transplant. In these cases, non-surgical methods of hair loss treatment may be the best way to go. There are two approved medicinal options to help stop or slow down hair thinning: minoxidil, marketed as Rogaine and finasteride, marketed as Propecia.  If your hair loss is too advanced for medical lotions or pills, then a wig or hair piece, both often referred to as a hair system, could help give you the natural looking hair you desire.

The decision to use either a surgical or non-surgical hair loss treatment is an individual decision which varies due to the root cause of the hair loss, the extent of hair loss already in existence, and of course the man or woman making the decision about his or her hair loss treatment.  As with any medical procedure or lifestyle change the pros and cons of the treatment including the reliability, safety, and expense of the treatment should be thoroughly weighed before a decision is made and educating yourself on the different methods to treat hair loss will help you be able to make the right choice for you.

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