Fat Transfer versus Implants for Breast Augmentation/Enlargement

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Both fat transfer and implants are good options if you are looking to change the shape and size of your breasts. However, which one to go for will vary from person to person depending on your body, your goals and your lifestyle. In some cases, patients opt for a hybrid breast augmentation which is where you have both a fat transfer and implants in order to create the look you are going for. Your surgeon will talk to you about all of this in your consultation so that you can make the most informed decision and leave with the results that you desire.

The main difference between the procedures is that fat transfer involves using liposuction where fat is taken from a different part of the body. This fat is then essentially cleaned of any blood or other fluids and injected back into your breasts. For this part of the procedure you will need enough fat in other areas of the body. This will not be an option for you if you have too little fat (your surgeon will assess this in the consultation). The fat can be taken from the buttocks, legs, stomach, arms and many other areas. If there is an area where you have been trying to lose fat and just can't, you can take advantage of this and have the fat removed from there. However, if you are planning to lose lots of weight after your surgery, this will affect your results.

Fat transfer breast augmentation surgery is perfect if you are looking for a shorter recovery and long lasting results. People often go for a fat transfer as there is no maintenance involved. You will undergo one procedure and one recovery period. With silicone or saline implants, they will often need replacing every 10 to 15 years. There is also a higher chance of complications arising with implants. They run the risk of leaking, capsular contracture (where the tissue around the implants harden) and rejection. Furthermore, the incisions made when using implants are much larger than the incisions created when injecting fat into the breasts and stitches are often not needed. This means that your breasts will heal much more quickly with fat transfer and that you can get back to your regular daily activities faster. This is not to say that there aren't any risks involved with fat transfer. Like all surgeries, both of these procedures run the risk of infection. Even though scarring is less prominent with fat transfer breast augmentation, it can still happen. You can also develop fat necrosis (where the fat cells), fat reabsorption and anaesthesia-related risks. Therefore, it is important to understand that complications can arise no matter which procedure you decide to go with. Your body may be more susceptible to certain complications over others. Your surgeon will assess your situation and explain all of this to you. If you are unsure or have any questions about the risks involved, be sure to bring this up during the consultation or at any point before your surgery takes place. Your surgeon will reassure you of the steps in place to mitigate these risks and let you know what you can be doing, if anything, to prepare for your surgery.

Having breast implants does not involve any liposuction and is a great option if you do not have enough fat on your body for this or simply don't want fat to be removed from anywhere on your body. It can also offer larger changes in breast size. With the fat transfer, you will be looking at an increase of about one cup size. This is perfect if you want a more subtle and natural look. With the implants, you can have a larger or smaller change by simply choosing the size of implant you'd like. When deciding between the procedures, it is important that you carefully think about your goals and what you would like for your body. If you are going for a more natural look and have a slim, narrow figure, large breast implants may look false or may stick out. If you'd like a super voluptuous look and aren't bothered about whether your breasts look real, go for the implants.

If you are looking to have a more natural shape but want a large increase in breast size, the hybrid breast augmentation might be your best option. With this procedure, the surgeon can use the round implants to create volume whilst using fat to touch up other areas and create the natural look you are going for. Implants can also be quite heavy and uncomfortable. With these, there is a larger chance of the skin stretching. For this reason, you may want to have a smaller implant and combine this with a fat transfer. This can reduce the risk of back and neck pain that many women suffer after breast augmentation surgery.

Overall, it is important to consider the pros and cons of both surgeries. Take your time when deciding on which option to go with so that you are 100% happy with your choice. This will ensure that you have an outcome that you are pleased with and a new look that you love!

Guide to Breast Augmentation/Enlargement using a Transfer of Fat