Positive Effects of Breast Implants for Asymmetric Breasts

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Having implants to try and even out uneven, or asymmetric, breasts can give you the confidence and peace of mind that you may previously have been lacking. While surgery will not fix all of your problems, having more ‘normal looking’ breasts will be likely to improve your confidence and your perception of yourself. Although it is important not to expect a single cosmetic procedure to solve all your insecurities and concerns in most cases it will help to significantly improve your previous worries and issues.

Things to Consider when having Implant Surgery on Asymmetric Breasts

It is important to remember that no woman’s breasts are exactly the same size. It is extremely natural for you to have one breast that is bigger than the other. However, if the size difference is of more than one cup you can consider yourself to have asymmetric breasts. For many women having breasts that differ by one cup size is not a problem in its self. But, if the size difference is greater than that you may find that it begins to be a problem and may affect you in many different ways.

It is essential that if your breasts are causing you trouble with low self esteem and low self confidence that you consult with your doctor as soon as possible. If you both decide that cosmetic surgery is the best option for you then you need to be aware of the risks and complications. The main risks to look out for are that the implant may rupture or deflate and there is also a chance of infection. However, as long as all the safety recommendations by the medical expert for pre and post operation care are followed carefully there should not be a problem. These problems usually only occur in a small percentage of cases.

Although cosmetic surgery will bring the breasts to a much similar size to each other it may be unrealistic to expect that they will be identical. Therefore before undertaking the surgery it is important to be prepared in case the results are not as successful as you are hoping. If you decide on surgery in order to improve your self confidence and self esteem you need to be aware that the surgery will not instantly fix all your worries and insecurities. You may need further assistance from your doctor. However, there should be no reason why you can not go ahead with further cosmetic procedures at a later date. If your breasts are quite severely asymmetric you should be prepared that it may take multiple procedures to achieve the desired effect and therefore the cost may be a lot greater than what was first expected.

« Dangers of Breast Implants for Asymmetric Breasts

Guide to Asymmetric Breasts